Thursday, 3 February 2011

Top 4 hotties

There are 4 main men I lust after at my work.  I only know one of their names so I've given them nicknames.

In order of preference they are:

1. Brown shoes, bacon crisps
When I first saw him he was wearing brown shoes with a grey suit and I quite liked it.  And he often eats bacon flavoured crisps.  He's mid 50s, has light brown/grey hair and has a cute smile.  Obviously he's married (love married men - not sure why but it might be the ordinariness/convention/air of stability) but something about him makes me imagine he goes cruising or to gay saunas.
2. Fat Paul Newman
So he looks a bit like Paul Newman and is a bit fat but in a nice way.  The way big built people carry a bit of extra weight that makes them look a bit chunky and blokey.  He has the.most.amazing.eyes; I look into them and melt and blush a little.  I have a feeling he knows I love him because he seems a  bit awkward when I serve him. I'm not fussed about having sex with him I just want to cuddle up to his tummy and have a kiss.
3. T-Shirt Farmer
Continuing my literal and no nonsense approach to nicknames this guy often wears a t-shirt and I think he looks like a farmer (tall, big, gentle and strong with big hands).  I've never seen him with a lady friend so at one time I thought he might be gay but instead I concur he's lonely and divorced or doesn't let his wife come out.  Anyway he's a total dish with grey hair and late 50s, maybe early 60s.
4. J.L
J.L are his initials and is a regular where I work and is well known by the customers and staff.  He's the only one I know the name of.  J.L's short (5'7ish), bit of a tummy, wears glasses has silver grey hair in a side parting and is well dressed.  A lot of people think he's a bit gay and so do I but he often mentions his 'GIRLFRIEND' unnecessarily in conversation and barely looks at or flirts with me, so he probably isn't but is just a bit camp.

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